- 1999-2000 Accredited Institutions of Postsecondary Education. Programs Candidates
- 2 year Colleges 2002 32nd edition
- 2001 College HandBook
- 2001 International Students HandBook
- 2002 College & University Almanac
- 2002 Directory National Association of Schools of Art and Design
- 2002 Graduate Programs 36th Edition
- 2002 International Exchange Locator
- 2003 Amer. & Canad. Boarding Schools & Worldwide Enrichment Prog.
- 2003 College & University Almanac
- 2003 Graduate Programs in the Health Professions
- 2003 International Student Handbook 16th Edition
- 2003 Internships 23rd Edition
- 2-Year Colleges 2001
- 4 year colleges 2002+ CD 32nd edition
- 4-Year Colleges 2001+CD
- Accredited Instituions of Postsecondary Education, 1997 – 1998
- Allied Health Education Directory 1995 –1996
- Best Graduate Schools
- Boarding School Directory 1999 – 2000
- Campus Free College Degrees
- College Handbook 2003+CD
- Colleges and Universities in the USA
- Colleges for Careers in Allied Health
- Colleges for Careers in Bussiness
- Colleges for Careers in Computing
- Colleges for Careers in Teaching
- Competitive Colleges
- Computer Science and Electrical, Engineering Programs
- Directory of College Cooperative Education Programs
- Directory of Engineering Graduate Stuudies and Research 94 – 95
- Directory of Graduate Medical Education Programs 1990 – 1991
- Directory of Graduate Programs
- Distance Learning Programs
- English language and Orientation Programs in the US
- European Education Yearbook 1995 – 1996
- Graduate Medical Directory 1998 – 1999
- Graduate Medical Educational Directory 2001-2002
- Graduate Programs Directory
- Graduate Programs in Journalism and Mass Communication
- Graduate Studies in Engineering, Computer Science and Information Studies
- Graduate Study in Psychology 2002
- Guide to American Studies Resources
- Guide to Distance Learning Programs 2002+CD
- Guide to English Language Programs
- Guide to Graduate Departments of Sociology
- Guide to Medical and Dental Schools
- Higher Education Directory 2002
- Internships
- Law Schools
- MBA Programs 2002+CD
- National Association of Schools of Art and Design Directory
- Private Secondary Schools 1998 – 1999
- Professional Degree Programs in the Visual & Performing Arts 2002
- Profiles of American Colleges
- Profiles of Engineering and Engineering Technology Colleges 1996 – 1997
- Register of Higher Education
- Research – Doctorate Programs in the US. Naational Research Council
- Research Centers Directory 1996 – 1997
- The 1997 International Guide to Undergaduate Engineering programs in the USA
- The 1997 International Guide to Undergaduate English Language programs in the USA
- The 1998 International Guide to Undergaduate Bussiness programs in the USA
- The 1998 International Guide to Undergaduate Engineering programs in the USA
- The 1998 International Guide to Undergaduate English Language programs in the USA
- The College Blue Book
- The College Handbook for Transfer Students
- The College Handbook. Foreign Students Supplement
- The ECIS Higher Education Directory 2003 Edition
- The FISKE guide to colleges. 18th edition. Edward B. Fiske
- The International Foundation Directory 2000 9th edition
- The International Foundation Directory 2001 10th Edition
- The International Sudent HandBook of US Colleges
- Two Year Colleges
- UCIEP a consortium of University & College Intensive English programs in the USA Member Profiles 2001 edition
- UCIEP: A Consortium of University & College Intensive English Programs in the USA (Member Profiles)
- USA University and Career School Guidebook